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Rehabilitative Programs

Rehabilitative Programs

ARD Program

Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program (ARD) is a pre-trial diversionary program provided by the Rules of Criminal Procedure. ARD suspends formal criminal proceedings before conviction on certain condition.

There is no specific offense or class of offenses eligible or ineligible for inclusion in ARD.  The District Attorney has discretion to offer ARD to a defendant.  The rules do require that the defendant waive the appropriate statute of limitations and the right to a speedy trial for the period of enrollment in the program.

Defendants must apply to enter the ARD program and be recommended by the District Attorney.  The District Attorney is free to make his decision based upon what is most beneficial to society and the offender.  The Court has to approve the defendant’s entry into the ARD program and set the conditions and requirements.

When a defendant satisfactorily completes the ARD program by complying with all of the conditions, the charges against the defendant are dismissed by order of the Court.

County Intermediate Program (CIP)

Legislation has created authority for judges to sentence defendants to county intermediate punishment.  This CIP plan for Mifflin County provides a mechanism for restrictive intermediate punishment and restorative sanction programs. This means an offender may be housed in a county facility full or part time, or an offender may be monitored to restrict his movement or alcohol consumption, or involve a combination of programs designed to give the Court greater sentencing options.

To be eligible for the CIP program, the defendant must be a person convicted of an offense who would otherwise be sentenced to the Mifflin County Correctional Facility, who does not demonstrate present or past violent behavior, and who would otherwise be sentenced to partial or total confinement.  The statute contains an extensive list of conditions which the Court may impose as it deems necessary.

Adult Treatment Court

The Mifflin County Adult Treatment Court accepts individuals as a diversionary or post-plea program.  Eligible post-plea offenders include offenders whose probation supervision is revoked or have received a County Intermediate Punishment Sentence. The offender must agree to placement in the specialty program and be a resident of Mifflin County.  Applicants eligible for the program will have either a non-violent misdemeanor or felony offense, provided the crimes are addiction driven or drug (including alcohol) related and whose needs cannot be met on standard supervision or through another specialty program.  Applicants must meet diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or dependency.  No past convictions defined as violent by federal regulations, any crimes deemed violent by the District Attorney’s office, or sex offenses will be accepted.  The following offenses are excluded from consideration: 

  • Homicide
  • Burglary (home, person present)
  • Robbery
  • Kidnapping
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Weapon Possession in the commission of an offense
  • Sexual offenses
  • Arson
  • Escape
  • Assault by Prisoner

The Treatment Court team reviews cases bi-weekly and Review Hearings are held to discuss each offender.  Court participants are expected to comply with all recommended aspects of treatment and supervision.  Failure to comply results in sanctions.

Juvenile Drug Court

The Mifflin County Juvenile Drug Court focuses on juvenile delinquency matters that involve substance using-juveniles.  The length of the program is 9-12 months; however, the program is tailored to each individual and may take longer for some individuals to complete.  This specialized program operates within the juvenile court system, where intensive supervision and treatment is provided for cases that meet program requirements. Juveniles may be admitted into the program informally, formally, or as an alternative disposition.  With hopes of preventing out of home placement, the program is designed to address both the juvenile’s substance abuse and delinquency issues through intensive structure supervision and treatment.  Due to the nature of the program, it is vital that all parties involved in the juvenile’s life be involved in the drug court process.  The philosophy of Juvenile Drug Court is centered on the “team” concept of supervision and treatment. The treatment team reviews cases bi-weekly and Review Hearings with all parties present (service providers, juvenile, parents, judge, attorney, probation, etc.) are held frequently (dependent on phase) to discuss progress/regression.