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Mifflin County Court Sessions

Central Court

Central Court is held every Wednesday at 9:00 in the Main Courtroom.  It is presided over by one of the three Magisterial District Judges on a month-to-month basis.  In Central Court, an individual charged with a crime has the opportunity to waive or request a preliminary hearing.  If the individual waives the preliminary hearing, the case will be moved on to the Court of Common Pleas.  If the individual requests a preliminary hearing, a hearing will be scheduled at the appropriate Magisterial District Judge’s office within 10 days.  If the judge rules that there is ample evidence to move forward, the case is moved to the Court of Common Pleas.

Miscellaneous Court

Miscellaneous Court is held two Tuesdays a month from 9:00 – 12:00 for all non-DUI cases.  An individual charged with a crime may enter a plea of guilty or not guilty in Miscellaneous Court.  A guilty plea may result in immediate sentencing, or the judge may request a pre-sentence investigation and set sentencing at a later date.  A non-guilty plea sets the case for jury or bench trial.

DUI Court

DUI Court is held two Tuesdays a month from 1:30 – 3:30 and is designated for DUI offenses only.  An individual charged with a DUI offense may plead guilty, not guilty or apply for acceptance into the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program (ARD). As with Miscellaneous Court cases, a guilty plea may result in immediate sentencing, or the judge may request a pre-sentence investigation and set sentencing at a later date.  Individuals accepted into the ARD program will be entered into the program at this time. A non-guilty plea sets the case for jury or bench trial.

Support Court

Support Court meets one time each month.  Matters such as enforcement of support orders, enforcement of delinquent arrears, recalculations, entitlement, income determination, spousal support and alimony pendante lite are addressed in Support Court.