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Mifflin County Budget 2025 Summary:: View the budget summary here

Bench Warants

Bench Warants

Report the whereabouts of an Individual on the Bench Warrant List: Call (717)248-3955. Our email address is: dr@mifflinco.org

Full NameDOB
Faubert, Jason2/5/1977
Knepp, Joseph2/14/1993
Manbeck, Ambrosia6/16/1982
Marker, Jeremiah J.10/13/1977
Quay, Katelyn3/26/1992
Stoicovy, Chrisann A.10/2/1965
Stone, Eric F.9/24/1975
Sullivan, Ronald C.1/2/1969
Swailes, Jr., Samuel L.8/4/1976
Welch-Marker, Catherine R.12/7/1991
Woods, Carlos O.4/21/1980