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Mifflin County Budget 2025 Summary:: View the budget summary here

Mifflin County Stormwater

Mifflin County Stormwater

Act 167 Storm water Management Plan

The Mifflin County Storm water Management Plan was adopted by the Mifflin County Commissioners on June 17, 2010. The Act 167 Plan was subsequently approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) in September 2010. Funding for the plan was provided primarily by PA DEP and local sources.

The Countywide Act 167 Plan was developed in accordance with the Pennsylvania Storm water management Act, P.L. 864 No. 167, 1978 in order to maintain or decrease current flood levels by managing accelerated runoff from future development, prevent damage to stream banks, improve water quality and increase groundwater infiltration. The Act 167 Plan provides a holistic storm water management plan for all of Mifflin County as opposed to individual watershed plans. The Plan is a policy document to manage storm water runoff. The goals of the plan were established during the early stages of the project with input from the Watershed Plan Advisory Committee to meet requirements of the Act 167 Program, as well as the needs of Mifflin County. The Plan was developed to include strategies with these objectives in mind to address each of the Plan's goals. The model ordinance was developed through this planning process.

According to Section 11(b) of the Storm water Management Act, each municipality within the area covered by the Mifflin County Storm water Management Plan is required to adopt or amend and implement ordinances and other regulations (parts of zoning, building code, subdivision and land development, and erosion and sedimentation control ordinances, etc.) that regulate development within the municipality in a manner consistent with the County's Plan and the provisions of the Storm water Management Act. Municipalities adopting  Mifflin County's Model Ordinance developed as part of the Countywide Plan, which DEP encourages, will not have to amend other ordinances as the model ordinance contains a Repealed Section. The deadline for enacting an ordinance to satisfy the requirements is March 9, 2011. 
