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Mifflin County Budget 2025 Summary:: View the budget summary here

Grant Programs

Grant Programs

Human Services Development Fund (HSDF)

The HSDF provides funding for programs in Pennsylvania counties that help senior citizens stay healthy, keep people out of institutions, and nurture children, youth, and families. If you, or someone you know, has a low-income, has problems because of age, a mental, physical, or emotional disability, or an addiction problem, please contact your County's Human Services Office to get more information.

Human Services Development Fund Details

 Homeless Assistance Program (HAP)

The HAP makes available a continuum of services to homeless and near homeless individuals and families. HAP funding is provided to county governments by the Department of Public Welfare. HAP funds help to assure: 1) homelessness can be avoided through a variety of prevention services assisting clients to maintain affordable housing; 2) people who are homeless can find refuge and care; and 3) homeless and near homeless clients are assisted in moving toward self-sufficiency.

Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) Details

Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP)

The MATP consumers residing in Pennsylvania are entitled to transportation services necessary to secure medical care provided under the Medical Assistance program. Medical transportation services are defined as non-emergency transportation of Medical Assistance (MA) recipients to any MA compensable service for the purpose of receiving treatment, medical evaluation, or purchasing prescription drugs or medical equipment. Medical transportation does not include transportation that would normally be provided by an ambulance.

Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) Details

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)

TEFAP is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income, needy persons, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance. USDA buys the food, including processing and packaging, and ships it to the States. The amount received by each State depends on its low-income and unemployed population. State agencies work out details of administration and distribution. They select local organizations that either directly distribute to households or serve meals, or distribute to other local organizations that perform these functions.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Details

State Food Purchase Program (SFPP)

Pennsylvania leads all states in providing food assistance for the needy under the SFPP. SFPP provides cash grants to counties for the purchase and distribution of food to low-income individuals.  The program is intended to supplement the efforts of food pantries, soup kitchens, food banks, feeding programs, shelters for the homeless, and similar organizations to reduce hunger.

State Food Purchase Program (SFPP) Details

Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (ESFP)

The Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program was created in 1983 to supplement the work of local social service organizations within the United States, both private and governmental, to help people in need of emergency assistance. This collaborative effort between the private and public sectors has disbursed over $2.3 billion in Federal funds during its 21-year history.

Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) Details