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Clerk of Orphans Court

Clerk of Orphans Court

The Clerk of Orphans’ Court maintains the records of all proceedings relating to adoptions, guardianships and marriage license records when the application for marriage was filed in this county. Adoption records are sealed by the Court and are not open to the public. Marriage records can be found dating from 1885 to the present. 

Birth and Death records that may have been recorded between the years 1893-1905 are also available in this office.  Birth and Death Certificates from 1906 are a record of the State of PA and must be requested from the Bureau of Vital Records however, an application form for an original raised seal certificate can be obtained from this office.

Contact Information

Mifflin County Courthouse

20 N. Wayne St.

Lewistown, PA 17044


Clerk of Orphans Court
Ellen Amspacker