Recorder of Deeds
Recorder of Deeds
The Recorder of Deeds maintains records relating to real property in the county. Documents found in this office are, but not limited to, Deeds, Mortgages, Satisfaction of Mortgage, Releases, Subdivision Plans, Agreements/Easements, Highway Maps and Secured Transactions. Recorded documents relating to this office can be found dating from 1789 to the present.
Military Discharge Records are also recorded in the Recorder of Deeds office and are secure records not open to the public. Service Discharge Records (DD-214) are only given to the Veteran who can show proper identification. Others requesting this information must contact the Veterans’ Affairs Officer at 717-248-8439
Contact Information
Mifflin County Courthouse
20 N. Wayne St.
Lewistown, PA 17044
Register and Recorder
Ellen Amspacker